Welcome to a World of Wellness

As an Empath and Energy Healer, I use a hands-on approach to heal the body from within.


What I Do

Quantum Healing

Quantum Healing


The emotional and spiritual support that you were waiting for… Quantum Healing is a Holistic medicine that is found in the cosmic universe. The work happens in stages: the atoms, the cells, the tissue, and then the bones. There are infinite healing possibilities but with only one difference: your intention. The intention is everything!
Family Constellation

Family Constellation


Transforming your family inheritance requires healing at the heart of the matter. When issues linger and fail to respond to our best efforts to heal we see they are linked to events and conditions in the past. On an energetic, soul level, Family Constellations connect one to a deep, long-lasting resolution based on love. How a Family Constellation works is unlike a traditional therapy or healing process: it gets directly to the heart of the matter, accessing solutions and transforming issues quickly and effectively utilizing Alison’s specialized practice model, the Origin Sourcing System®️. In this way, Constellations have the ability to stop the repetition of suffering, fostering long-lasting, life-changing results.
Holistic Therapy with Ascended Masters

Holistic Therapy with Ascended Masters


A few years ago, I got in touch with the universe of Holistic Therapies, at a time when I was looking for more self-knowledge and well-being. I had such positive results that it motivated me to bring the benefits of these techniques to more people!


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Mind, Body, and Soul: Integration of the Energies


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Latest News & Articles

Life Change

Life Change

               Samadhi is a Sanskrit root word, sam- a – dha, which means “to gather or bring together” The way to the self cannot be...

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Family Constellation

Family Constellation

What is Holistic Psychology? People often ask us, What is holistic psychology? This question is not so easy to address, and in the...

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Hi, I’m Alison!

I am an Empath/Energy Healer. I work on the chakras and the sublevels of the magnetic field of the clients. Clients find me when Traditional Medicine cannot help them anymore. A holistic approach to the human psyche elevates their energy to a well living.

Change your thoughts and you can heal your body.

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“You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside.”

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